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Bus Services Between Padova And Chioggia Italy

Bus Services Between Padova and Chioggia, Italy

Operating Companies and Options

BusItalia Veneto provides services between Padova and Chioggia, operating buses frequently.

Travelers have multiple options, including:

Bus Routes and Connections

Most buses traveling from Padova to Chioggia begin at Fermata dellautobus Padua. The journey typically involves a brief transfer in Venice before proceeding to Chioggia.

The travel time varies depending on the route and number of transfers, ranging approximately from 1 hour 40 minutes to 2 hours 50 minutes.

Popular Stations and Stops

The main bus station in Padova is Padova Autostazione, while in Chioggia, travelers can access services at Via Naccari.

Additional bus stops along the route include:

  • Ponte di Brenta
  • Oriago
  • Cioggia - Stazione Ferroviaria
